GPS-Sport ForenGeneral TalkIs cheating unfair or is limiting the program unfair?
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Hellasq 15.02.2015 10:32:43 UTC

No, that's not what I meant. Nice workout :)

And I'm not interested if people are cheating or not. Who cares? They would also be cheating themselves. I just only would like to use the program in a sport that it suggests to support, but in real doesn't. That's what I'm interested in....
koszu 15.02.2015 08:05:28 UTC

If you say I'm cheater because I have done this workout running you are wrong!

I respect every one who run it dosen't matter what the distance. That's all what I want to say!

Hellasq 15.02.2015 02:23:20 UTC geändert am 15.02.2015 11:14:46 UTC

Thnx TauPas!!

Thanks for your reply and thinking with me for a solution. But indeed that wouldn't make a difference. My activity level - that was for the last couple of years my motivator - is going down once I'm sporting much more. Ironical ;) I even see that because of the fitness I run a little bit slower nowadays.

In a way I am very unhappy that I ever started to use this program, because for years It was showing me how I was running and that there are sooooooo many more sports I could use it for, but in real it's just a farce :( Only GPS MOVEMENT!

And I have been asking the programmers / help-desk about it, and they just say:

Hi ,

You're right of course and I am of the same opinion. But there's been so many fights in the forums that
we have to be careful about this, e.g.

Of course we try to detect cheating as good as possible:

but someone really likes to cheat, we cannot do much about it.

Best regards,


If you ask me: Why FOR GOD'S SAKE would a programmer that is providing individual people to track their improvement in sporting, adjust his program for the people that might cheat the group results? I believe that apprx. 99% off people is using this program just to see what they do themselves. And if there is one crazy idiot that is going by car (saying he is running); who gives a SH.T?

For me it is very frustrating that I have been using this program for years and suddenly it just tells me: Good by, keep running, biking, at least moving very fast (how you will do that doesn't matter: you can also go by car and say that you are running, at least say that you are running!) or just get very unsatisfied, frustrated, typing on a Saturday night to tell the programmers that this is UNFIAR! ;0

I know, I shouldn't get pissed about it. It's just a program... But if you are watching it for years, relying on it, trusting it, it feels the same as if your girlfriend starts cheating. Moving on would be the best, getting a new program for sports that is fair to it's users and not only to the people who are doing "fast movements traceable by GPS", but al my previous trainings will be gone... And it makes me feel quite .... {read: unsatisfied} to see that the program supports people who are “running 108 KM in 16 hours”(!) because the programmers "have to be careful about this" and another honest sporter they just tell: sorry! :)

I hope one of the programmers will read this, that they run and sport themselves, and that they can imagine how EXTREMELY frustrating this is. But most of all: That they will make a solution. But that´s just a VERY STRONG suggestion ;)

Kind regards .....
TauPas 12.02.2015 07:44:07 UTC

heart rate sensor?

Perhaps you can use a heart rate sensor.
I think, it will count your calories on your homepage (

But it won´t count in your activiti :-(

Hellasq 10.02.2015 08:49:19 UTC


For a couple of years I’m running and recently I started to do some fitness as well. Now I noticed that only sports ‘count’ where the GPS-signal shows movement and speed, so one hour of fitness shows only 33 kcal (!).

I asked the Run.GPS support about this and what they – shortly say – is that the reason for this is to limit the possibility for cheating.

So, if someone would drive a motorbike telling the program he’s running, the activity will be count as ‘very big’, but if someone is doing a big workout in a fitness gym (see my training 3-feb-2015) according to the program I haven’t done pretty much anything. So I’m now adding my fitness trainings manually, once according to Run.GPS this can’t be considered to be an active sport…

Somehow this feels unfair to me: I’m using the program to see my own improvement and only because some people might ‘cheat’ in some sports, the program supports (in real) only sports where you make long distances. Fair?

Not if you ask me: I saw on someone’s profile “running 108 KM in 16 hours”(!) and that seems to be fine for the program as an realistic workout. I’m not saying that it isn’t, but it seems to be quite a lot (if you ask me). Probably going by bike and telling the program you are running would also work, but, simply doing a big workout in a gym won’t be count, once that ‘could be cheating’…

I was wandering how other people are thinking about this: is it more important to make it not possible to cheat in sports without long distance movement (while cheating in sports with long distance movement is possible), or should the program be fair to the people how are using it to see their own improvement?

If you ask me, the last option. It feels unfair that I’m limited to choose the sport I want to do (if I want to see my improvement in the program) just because other people might cheat. It feels the same as if Facebook would no longer make it possible to add new friends, just because some people would misuse that option.

In case other people think different about this, I still wander why the program shows up these sports in the menu? So when you install the program you think all those sports are supported, but later on you find out they are not. Isn’t it in that case at least fair not to show these sports in the list in the program, so users can see immediately that certain sports are not supported?

It feels like I either:
- have to start using another program (so I can’t see my own recent improvement, but only after some time of using a new program),
- have to do a different sport than I want to (if I want to see my improvement),
- or just have to ignore this, knowing myself that I’m doing workouts that the program doesn’t want to see, asking myself every workout again: “what is the use of a sports program for seeing your improvement, if the program won’t show you?”
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