GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareProblems with exports
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wodge80 30.04.2016 07:03:31 UTC

Hi Admin,

I had a look at the Run.GPS generated TCX file myself and compared with a TCX file that is compatible for importing to other apps and found the following two issues with the tags which appear to be causing the problem:

1. Run.GPS generated TCX file is creating a <Note/> tag which is not compatible with TCX import with other apps.
2. Run.GPS generated TCX file is missing the starting first line tag as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

When both of the above tags are corrected manually in the Run.GPS generated TCX file then the TCX file is compatible with importing to other apps.
Can you please have a look at your code in the app to fix this bug? Thanks
wodge80 29.04.2016 14:42:52 UTC

Hi, as requested, I have emailed to a copy of the original Run.GPS file and the converted file to make it work when uploading to Strava website.
admin 29.04.2016 13:44:03 UTC

Please send both files (compatible and not compatible) to so we can check what the difference between both might be.

wodge80 27.04.2016 06:40:40 UTC geändert am 27.04.2016 11:49:53 UTC

I think there is still a problem with upload to dropbox in TCX format

I think there is still a problem with automatic upload to dropbox. It uploads in TCX format to dropbox but the TCX file is not compatible with other apps like Strava import.
I need to use a program called TCX converter to fix each TCX file before I can import it to Strava.
Can you please check this as this problem only started occurring this year!

I'm running on Android, Run.GPS Trainer UV Pro Release 3.1.9 build 4405

Tom 11.04.2016 08:29:07 UTC geändert am 11.04.2016 08:30:58 UTC

The TCX problem should be solved with latest build 3.1.8 / 4398.
admin 05.04.2016 17:10:56 UTC

Thanks for your detailed bug description. I can now confirm the bug in TCX export. We'll check this and hopefully will provide a fix soon!
corhaneanusergiu 05.04.2016 13:44:41 UTC geändert am 05.04.2016 13:56:58 UTC

Updated to RunGPS Full Trainer Pro 3.1.8 / 4394
I tried a few variations:

1) Select a training from training log (Training 1 - 30.03.2016)
2) Choose "Export as TCX" (don't display "Please wait" -> file is not good)
3) Choose "Export as GPX" (display "Please wait" -> file is good)
4) Choose "Export as TCX" (display "Please wait" -> file is good)
5) Exit from program
6) Open program
7) Select a training from training log (Training 1 - 30.03.2016)
8) Choose "Export as TCX" (display "Please wait" -> file is good)

- if exit or not from program does not matter -

9) Select a training from training log (Training 2 - 31.03.2016)
10) Choose "Export as TCX" (don't display "Please wait" -> file is not good)
11) Choose "Export as GPX" (display "Please wait" -> file is good)
12) Choose "Export as TCX" (display "Please wait" -> file is good)
13) Exit from program
14) Open program
15) Select a training from training log (Training 2 - 31.03.2016)
16) Choose "Export as TCX" (display "Please wait" -> file is good)

If i restart the phone all problems are back, must follow the steps.

PS. All the time save in CSV

PS2. If training don't have GPS coord (interior training) save only in CSV.
admin 03.04.2016 16:11:20 UTC

I checked the issue but it does work on our testing devices.

How exactly do you proceed?
Like this?

1) Select a training from the training log (NOT the currently active training)
2) Choose "Export as GPX"
3) Check the content of the GPX file

corhaneanusergiu 31.03.2016 16:14:32 UTC geändert am 31.03.2016 16:15:47 UTC


in mid-March began to no longer execute properly format TCX export activities, then and GPX.

Sometimes html export only if you view the report,
sometimes only if export GPX first tcx then,
sometimes only if they contain GPS data,
without being able to find a pattern, a logical path or not, to make exports completely.

The latter RunGPS Full Trainer Pro 3.1.8 / 4354 I installed it in February (program on internal memory, and working folder on external card) and functioned smoothly.

Believing that the system is overloaded and possibly occurring errors,
I reinstalled. Android 5.0 on Samsung Note 3.
RunGPS Full Trainer Pro 3.1.8 / 4354 I installed on internal memory and working folder on internal memory.

Yet the problem has not been fixed. Exports are done successfully at random.

Resulting files sizes (when files are not good) :
tcx - 1001 bytes
GPX - 583 bytes

CSV export are always good.
HTML reports are always good.

Data from TCX file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<TrainingCenterDatabase xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><Activities><Activity Sport="Other"><Notes/><Id>2016-03-17T12:21:13.151Z</Id><Creator xsi:type="Device_t"><Name> Server</Name><UnitId>1</UnitId><ProductID>1</ProductID><Version><VersionMajor>3</VersionMajor><VersionMinor>0</VersionMinor><BuildMajor>4354</BuildMajor><BuildMinor>0</BuildMinor></Version></Creator></Activity></Activities><Author xsi:type="Application_t"><Name>Run.GPS Trainer Pro Full</Name><Build><Version><VersionMajor>3</VersionMajor><VersionMinor>0</VersionMinor><BuildMajor>4354</BuildMajor><BuildMinor>0</BuildMinor></Version></Build><LangID>EN</LangID><PartNumber>001-B8584-00</PartNumber></Author></TrainingCenterDatabase>

Data from GPX file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Run.GPS Trainer" xmlns:xsi="" schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:gpxtpx="" >
<metadata><name>unnamed - fitness-training</name><desc/><link href=""><text>Run.GPS by eSymetric GmbH</text></link></metadata>

Excuse my English.
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