GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareBarometric altitude and temperature
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Bosti 24.09.2015 08:10:54 UTC

Yes, that's true... probably I would be the only one.. :-(

Perhaps Bluemaestro has too much €€€ and they will support your development :-)
admin 24.09.2015 08:03:41 UTC

Well, basically that sounds good. They implement their own proprietary profile and provide a good documentation for it.

Nevertheless it would be a lot of work for us to implement for just one product (1-2 working days) which probably wouldn't be used by many. Maybe only you would buy it :-) Therefore, it would be much better if a standard profile could be used.

We can conduct a poll:

Anybody else who would buy this product if it was supported by Run.GPS?
Bosti 23.09.2015 21:55:17 UTC


They offer:

Q. Can I use your sensors in my own application?

A. Yes, you can develop your own apps or use Tempo/Tempo Disc in your own connected solution. Click here for the open data structure document

Is this useful?

carlos 05.09.2015 15:15:33 UTC

I have a Garmin ANT + Tempe, if necessary I offer myself to test.
admin 21.08.2015 11:49:44 UTC

Thanks Bosti, I have received the email from the developer. Unfortunately the manufacturer of this temperature sensor is using a communication model that is not compatible to Run.GPS BLE integration. They are not using a connection or profile but send the temperature in a broadcast.

Run.GPS's BLE implementation is based on paired devices and profiles, so we cannot support this one. Perhaps the other company uses a different approach.

admin 21.08.2015 11:02:10 UTC

Please forward to
Bosti 21.08.2015 09:06:32 UTC

I got answer from developer, on what mail can i forward it?

Bosti 20.08.2015 10:18:04 UTC


I wrote to 2 companies which produces BT4 temp sensors for about 30$... waiting for response...
admin 13.08.2015 16:02:17 UTC

Yes I think Bluetooth 4 temperature sensors would make sense. Keep in mind however that you cannot mix sensor types: either you use only ANT+ sensors or only BT4 sensors.

The question about the BeeWi sensor is if it uses a standard BT4 profile. BT4 defines only a Health Thermometer Profile, but no other thermometer profile:

There is no information on the website if they use the standard profile HTP (which we could support) or a custom profile (which we would not like to support).

Bosti 07.08.2015 13:54:03 UTC


I bought new phone - Xperia Z1 compact which supports ant+ and also bluetooth4. My idea is to add temparature sensor. I did not buy garmin sensor, if Run.GPS would support it i would buy it :-)

What about bluetooth 4 temparature sensor? is it possibile to use it with run.GPS. For example:,us,4,BBW200-A1.cfm

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