GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS Hardwarerun.gps and smartwatch
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boedecker 11.01.2016 14:05:00 UTC

admin 11.01.2016 14:00:26 UTC

- Is there anything in the wear screen, i can see, gps is connected or not?

GPS not connected: Outdoor mode button is gray
GPS connected: button is blue

- If i start an outdoor training without gps connection, will it recognize when gps connection is established lter?

Yes it will be used as soon as it is available.

boedecker 11.01.2016 09:23:58 UTC

OK, it seems to work now. Trainings got synchronised.
But I have one issue: Sometimes when I start an outdoor training, the values are not "changing", means: distance, speed and so on does not change. When I then pause the training and resume it, dates are changed. Sometimes on the third or fourth resume.
Might be, because there is no gps connection. So I have two questions:
- Is there anything in the wear screen, i can see, gps is connected or not?
- If i start an outdoor training without gps connection, will it recognize when gps connection is established lter?
admin 04.01.2016 10:04:40 UTC

> But I see also an green Icon on the bottom with looks like an separated equal sign. It seems to have no function. What is this for?

This is the "Split" function, starting a new lap (track section). Yes, stop and pause is the same. If you want to completely end a training recording and start a new one, you need to use the "New training" function from the menu (right mode icon).

All sessions are safely stored on the watch, so hopefully you can sync them at a later time.

boedecker 04.01.2016 09:05:02 UTC

OK, we will see. I have lost 4 trainings i've done with my Sony Smartwatch 3 in RUN.GPS Wear Outdoor mode and I hope we'll get it fixed.

By the way: Is there any explanations for the Icons? I see that the play button starts the training. You say stop button but I only see pause button after pressing play. This both is for pause and stop ?
I see an icon for the sport and an icon for the mode (remore, outdoor, etc)
But I see also an green Icon on the bottom with looks like an separated equal sign. It seems to have no function. What is this for?
admin 04.01.2016 08:56:23 UTC

It's hard to tell what's wrong since it does work on our devices.

We'll add two things in the next small update to make the process of syncing more transparent:

- We'll add a message on the watch showing how many trainings have been successfully synced
- We'll add the build number in the "About" section on Run.GPS Wear so we can check if versions match
boedecker 01.01.2016 12:32:02 UTC

Today i started a new training in outdoor mode with my smartwatch 3. After start it shows distance, speed, all ok. After pressing the pause button it is again not synced and again not shown in the training log.
When i start a remote mode training, everything is ok. Problem only with outdoor mode.
What is wrong here?
Phone is Xperia Z3 with Android 5.1.1, Smartwatch is Sony Smartwatch 3
boedecker 30.12.2015 18:28:34 UTC

Then a New Training with 0 min, 0 km is created in the app, but the one in outdoor mode still is not synced
admin 30.12.2015 16:37:24 UTC

@boedecker: Please check if both devices are really connected. If so, hit the Start and then Stop button on the Run.GPS Wear app (in outdoor mode). This will force the sync process on all yet unsynced trainings.

alf261173 30.12.2015 14:07:45 UTC geändert am 30.12.2015 14:10:11 UTC

Herzfrequenz auf Huawei Watch

So, habe jetzt einen kleinen Test gemacht (Indoor, Uhr in Remote-Funktion).
Es scheint tatsächlich so zu sein, dass die App zwischendurch die Verbindung zur HF der Uhr verliert.
Gleichzeitig laufen aber die anderen Werte (Zeit etc.) normal weiter, dh. die generelle Verbindung scheint noch da zu sein.
Die grünen LEDs der Uhr leuchten in dieser Zeit auch ganz normal weiter.
Es war in meinem Fall auch nicht nach 10min, sondern nach ung. 20min.
Gruß, Alf.
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