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dolic 14.05.2013 08:18:21 UTC

Leider gibt es keine wirkliche Alternative zu Run.GPs.
mkhalle 13.05.2013 20:11:58 UTC

Leider gibt es keine wirkliche Alternative zu Run.GPs.

Habe ich auch bis vor kurzen gedacht. Nach mehreren Jahren RunGPS, vorher ein paar Jahre (die inzwischen aufgegeben haben) hatt ich irgendwie das Gefühl bei RunGPS gibts keine Weiterentwicklung und nur schweigende Admins.
Seit einen Manat probiere ich garmin connect, da gibt auch ne android app GarminFit fürs loggen ohne Uhrenhardware.
Die Websoftware und auch die droid app ist kostenfrei, keine Werbung und eigentlich alles drin was man so braucht und mE. ganz professionell umgesetzt. Also es gibt sie die Alternative -
Und wenn der blogeintrag nur dazu dient die admins zu wecken und mal etwas in die Zukunft zu investieren so hats doch auch was gebracht.
axter 19.04.2013 00:19:06 UTC

MTB Speed

It's seems that the cheating champions were cycling on a MTB with 30+ kmh on a distance longer than the Marathon. So definitely we need RUN GPS staff to intervene and stop this. Scam emails are sent to users, cheaters are blooming here.... And nobody's looking :(
AndreasKuehn 26.02.2013 07:10:55 UTC

Betrüger und Schwätzer

Natürlich ist es blöd hier Monat für Monat diese mehr als fragwürdigen Datensätze zu sehen. Aber dies ist kein Grund solche Beleidigungen auszusprechen. Die "Sportler" die es nötig haben hier zu betrügen wissen doch zu meist das Sie
betrügen. Leider sind die Admin´s ja nicht in der Lage da Ordnung zu schaffen . Weder in der Plausibilitätsprüfung noch hier um Mitglieder die Beleidigen zu stoppen. Leider gibt es keine wirkliche Alternative zu Run.GPs. Ich für meinen Teil eröffne deshalb jedes Jahr einen neuen Account und vergleiche nur noch mich selbst mit den letzten beiden Jahren.
axter 25.02.2013 23:56:07 UTC

So you backed off

exactly as you stopped when I cut your bus rides logged as race biking .
Good . Now stay there and shut up ....or give me the address and I'll come to see if you still with your mama , even if you're in your late 50s
LeMarquis 25.02.2013 23:20:26 UTC

Big words for a boy who has an IQ and BMI of 50.
Let me be the wisest and unsubscribe from this thread, because I'm pretty sure the others on this forum don't care about your whining and neither am I. Must be hard being you... I feel sorry... kind of.
Anyway... yell as loud as you can... I won't read it anymore and the rest of the people won't be interested in someone with this kind of bevaviour. So have fun in the desert!
axter 25.02.2013 22:10:45 UTC geändert am 25.02.2013 22:18:53 UTC

I've cut your cheating long ago

so stay there inside the dam , or in that institution where you were hidden by the authorities.
No2 there are many others doing that , but I will cut them ...
For you...anytime...let me know where you get your daily thorazine and restraining shirt and I'll come to see you.
Sa ma pis pe mormintu ma-tii de cacat drogat.

PS We sent your guys home with the tail between the legs.
LeMarquis 25.02.2013 00:03:44 UTC

And to the retarded cheater who thinks I care about his profile... get a life and leave this place if you're not happy with the software. It's an honour though that you'r still thinking about me... haven't seen you around in Holland though. A shame!
axter 24.02.2013 23:56:41 UTC

Cheaters again :(

It seems that the 2011/2012 was not enough for cheaters. Now some Tagalo Bakla Supot is again topping the charts , close by one from the place where you should worry even if they give you a gift....and also some funny guy in Netherlands too ...all very concerned about their privacy .
Again Run GPS is letting us down :( and I understand why there are so mny users that are going with other apps.
The colors and design is still '90s and the web portal is full of cheaters .
@ Admin - Please put into the hall of fame only the trainings with HRM and that are really plausible .
@ All the cheaters : I can put over 100K calories every month and distnce , speed and anything more than impossible. So please stop cheating.
PS To Le Mrquis - The retired cheater - I've put just now my profile on private just to annoy you :) , but I leave something for you:
chally 13.08.2012 21:06:14 UTC

Hallo Koopi,

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