GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareBicycle Power meters
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admin 22.07.2016 08:21:23 UTC

We're considering it but there are no concrete plans for support right now.

Most of the power meters are still pretty expensive and rather difficult to install, so I don't know if many would use one.
Slogfester 22.07.2016 07:38:02 UTC

Ummmmmm.... silence?

The price of bicycle power meters is falling rapidly, with many new designs entering the market. Use is set to expand. Many of the old devices have, no doubt, old bespoked interface protocols, but -from what I understand- most of the new devices comply to 'standards' and use BLE. For example, 4iiii have just released RIGHT side power meter to go with their existing LEFT side (crank) meter which broadcasts Ant+ and BLE.
Slogfester 05.07.2016 05:07:32 UTC

Any plans to support bicycle power meters? If so, which ones?

Just researching a new bike :) and need to know.

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