GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport GeneralUpdated route pages
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admin 13.08.2015 16:07:05 UTC

Well I don't know ... we'll put it on the wish list.
pdo65 10.08.2015 09:20:50 UTC

Is it possible to create a vertical position line that overlaps multiple diagrams when you hover over an open diagram and there are several diagrams open?

admin 18.05.2015 12:53:13 UTC

That's right. The only module that has been optimized for touch devices yet is RoutePlanner.
juergenial 15.05.2015 10:49:21 UTC

Feedback on the "Hover" Feature: This doesn't with most Touch Devices.
The same is true for the menues :-( It is really tough to navigate while being on the phone
admin 15.05.2015 10:19:57 UTC

We've updated the route info pages. The actions are now tidied up in an action menu and you can now see the position on the map when you hover over the diagrams. And there's also a new diagram showing "steepness in %".

[1]Update route page
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