GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport General PlausibilityChecker rejected my Ultramarathon workout
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koszu 23.11.2014 16:56:01 UTC

It's my next request to make my trainning plausible, high total ascent and mud made impossible to run faster:
admin 06.10.2014 11:16:46 UTC

OK, updated it :-)
koszu 06.10.2014 09:15:01 UTC

This is my next request to make trainning plausible:
Perhaps duration is quite long, but some rest is including, and running in dense clouds, fog and mud above knees is quite difficult.
koszu 03.09.2014 12:36:52 UTC

Run.Gps is the best program, because I can replace battery and continue.
admin 03.09.2014 09:35:05 UTC

Oh my god looking at your 150 km (or more since part is missing) makes me shiver. You are exceeding all limits.

Your training upload is now marked plausible.

How did you manage to have battery power for such a long time? Did you take a backup battery or solar panel?

koszu 02.09.2014 19:41:27 UTC

Dear admin

Can you make this trainning plausible?
It's Ultra Trail du Mount Blanc, because of difficulty of the race and high elevation gain it takes long time to finish.
admin 08.07.2014 09:55:01 UTC

No, it's not necessary to upload it again.
koszu 07.07.2014 16:23:14 UTC

Thanks. So there is no need to upload my trainning again, is it?
admin 07.07.2014 09:52:39 UTC

Oops you did it again :-) You crashed our limits :-)

Well the problem was not the distance, it was the duration (1 d 15 h).

I'll set your training to "plausible: yes".

koszu 07.07.2014 05:43:47 UTC

my 215k running trainning is not plausible

Please check plasibilty settings. Basing on this thread I didn't cut my ultramarathon trainning into pieces.
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