GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsPsion EP10 + Polar Wearlink
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Kawa31 22.07.2011 17:17:39 UTC

sports equipment for hazardous

Test equipment for professional use diverted to Run.GPS! :)
Great material for Extreme Sports
Downhill mountain biking (falls, vibrations). Ski (temperature).
No conflict, all functions Operational, Wifi, Bluetooth cardio, photo, phone and 3G, GPS SirfV4 exceptional
autonomy ~10h 3600mAh battery (GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth service) + Photo and phone
3 falls down at the moment without damage - A violent rock on the mountain bike and helmet for damage, not EP10
large memory (256 MB SDRAM, 2 GB Flash, optional 1-32 Go MicroSD (RunGps! installed on MicroSD)
Windows® Embedded Handheld 6.5.3
little difficult to install (8 MB RamDisk base, increase to 32 MB or delete before installation)
385gr weight (battery and 3600mAh version with barcode imager) - strength or weight !

my English is google translation from French: (
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