GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsVodafone 845 Android 2.1
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Bananallama 15.12.2010 07:50:27 UTC

Phone SW good, routes look a bit wierd on site

Run.GPS Lite works great on my Vodafone 845 (droid 2.1).
When I upload the training, there seems to be some truncation of routes in the route display on - straight lines rather than following my routes.
But if you playback the routes using the Training Simulator, the full route is there. Might just be a drawing "feature" of the google maps plugin the site uses.
Battery life on VF845 is pretty good - can get 7hrs of training from one battery (not needed that often).
Other than that, flawless - very pleased with Run.GPS, does just what I need.
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