GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsBUG: location accuracy in meters instead of DOP in android version
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addo62 19.09.2010 02:10:58 UTC

Do they even look at this forum let alone think about applying logical suggestions?
gent 18.09.2010 20:43:26 UTC

android users get very high GPS DOP readings
run.gps programmers, consider this:

* Approximation factor for calculating Horizontal Dilution of Precision
* from location.getAccuracy(). location.getAccuracy() returns an accuracy measured
* in meters, and HDOP is obtained by dividing accuracy by this factor.
* The value is totally false (!), but is still useful for certain use case like
* track display in JOSM.
* See:
public final static int HDOP_APPROXIMATION_FACTOR = 4;

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