GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport Wishlist / Ideastraining details page customized
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admin 08.05.2012 11:42:37 UTC

We have today updated the Run.GPS Facebook app since there has been a problem with canvas size since a few days: due to a change in the Facebook API it had been impossible to scroll down and reach the "Publish" buttons.

FYI: The Facebook app can be found here
tongatajo 04.04.2010 11:00:07 UTC


facebook integration is a great idea, would also be the best advertisement i could imagine
krassykrastev 16.03.2010 09:28:30 UTC geändert am 16.03.2010 14:49:51 UTC

training details page customized

Hi --

I have following suggestions/ideas for GPS-SPORT web site:

#1 -- is it possible to be able to customize training details page what fields to include (i.e. reorder information and choose what information to be displayed -- map, max speed, graphs etc) or somehow edit the template used today? This can well fit into owner's action list menu for each training.

#2 -- Furthermore if also share on facebook link can be added to owners actions it will make a lot of sense if people want to share particular training in social networking sites.

#3 -- google map section to have icon for max speed and where on the map it has been achieved.

#4 -- currently you can't upload trainings you have recorded via another program to GPS-SPORT. Since you have the .GPX file can this be added to My GPS-Sport->My trainings->Add from .GPX? It will certainly make your life easier if you have any other recording device.

#5 -- the red blinking text "NEW" to be made non-blinking.
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