GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport Wishlist / IdeasHow do you add new sports manually? If not possible... please add...
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pawelw 06.05.2014 06:36:08 UTC

I understand that this could be time consuming task, but i think also that all users will be glad to have just category in English without caloric consumption and so on. This way everybody can add correct sports and after some time, when you decided to add new icon caloric and others data, all information in the users accounts will be updated.

Now after my research some users add new sports with question mark and some use other category (like fitness for dancing) this records never will be correctly categorized. When You add new sport everyone will have to manually delete and add correct sport.

Please think about it. I love your portal, it helps me keep fit, and adding more sports will be great feature probably for all users.
Maybe make some poll and check what others think.
admin786557 05.05.2014 11:29:19 UTC

Well we need to have icons created for all new sports and also translate those sports to 13 languages. Also, we need caloric consumption heuristics for these sports - which is the reason why it's not so simple to add new sports :-/

Sorry, but I cannot give you a time frame yet when new sports will be definetly added.

pawelw 05.05.2014 07:30:35 UTC geändert am 05.05.2014 07:30:42 UTC

Could You give information if it will be added or not. I don't know if i should create my own question mark, or wait sometime?
abnonta 14.04.2010 08:04:39 UTC

But is it possible to add a common icon for dancing?
whatmeworry4 09.03.2010 05:11:07 UTC


Ditto on the yoga
admin 25.01.2010 10:31:20 UTC

It's possible in Run.GPS to add a custom sport (Sports Dialog > New (Left button)). But it's not possible to add a custom icon - it will appear as questionmark.
mbroeckelmanpost 25.01.2010 08:25:26 UTC

more sports requests

If possible, I would also love to have yoga and pilates added. Thanks!
wheresalan 13.01.2010 16:38:37 UTC

I would like the following sports added if possible:

Ultimate Frisbee
Fartlek Running

Many Thanks

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