GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareCannot upload training to
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gufox 21.06.2014 12:23:05 UTC

upload failed: ERROR cannot move training archive to inbox
larryCU 17.05.2011 17:41:18 UTC

my training upload has shown up on the site this morning.

JonasBor 17.05.2011 03:29:07 UTC

Upload not working


I am having trouble uploading a training. The Run.GPS app on my phone confirms: "Upload succeeded..." However, I can't find that training in my list of trainings on Last week all my trainings uploaded just find and they were properly listed on I have now tried this several times for the last two hours.
Any help?
larryCU 17.05.2011 02:54:56 UTC

ERROR cannot move training archive to inbox

I'm getting this one, too. maybe it's the same problem seen back in October -- something's "stuck" on the server side?

Admin -- can you help us?

tomasd 16.05.2011 18:35:21 UTC

I am always getting "upload failed: ERROR cannot move training archive to inbox " when I try to upload my training. Could this be fixed? Or is it a server problem?
Tom 22.11.2010 11:52:32 UTC

It's possible that it takes some time for the trainings to appear on your homepage (up to 30 min) because the trainings are processed in a queue and sometimes there's a few trainings already waiting in the queue.

Uploading trainings from the website is difficult for most users because it's not just one file - the entire training folder would have to be uploaded (zipping it beforehand or uploading the single files).

joseito 21.11.2010 16:04:58 UTC

trouble to upload trainigs

each day is most dificult to upload my trainigs. From some time ago I must to do uoload very late at night and the last time after several atempts it said ok but in my web page i Cant see it.

Please the upload process will be pretty easy if you build a function to upload the files direcctly from the Gps' browsing the trainig file in the phone conected to the computer.
Tom 18.10.2010 11:41:20 UTC

Sorry for all the trouble. Yesterday evening somebody uploaded a corrupt training that got our import filters stuck (it contained a JPEG image of 150 GB of size (uncompressed) !!). The trainings you uploaded are NOT lost - they have already been imported now or will appear during the next hours.

To avoid this in the future, will will add a maximum file size restriction in the import filters.

addo62 18.10.2010 10:37:30 UTC

same here, tried several times since early this morning..
CHIVANI 18.10.2010 10:17:34 UTC geändert am 18.10.2010 10:19:08 UTC

Same for me

I can´t uploading last training. Please, Do something to go well. Thanks
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