GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareError while trying to upload to portal
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Micobaki 26.03.2018 00:19:41 UTC

me too

elhennig 24.03.2018 13:49:56 UTC geändert am 24.03.2018 13:50:19 UTC

I think this is more a problem on the server side: I posted my comment here
Rolf-Paul 24.03.2018 11:21:23 UTC geändert am 25.03.2018 12:13:51 UTC

'Error while trying to upload to portal '

me too
zumba 23.03.2018 21:14:04 UTC

Me too

Me too!!
pstorralba 23.03.2018 19:30:57 UTC

It is happening to me also. I tried over wifi and data and the result is just the same.
run1.eltsov 23.03.2018 18:51:15 UTC

An upload to portal failed with "ERROR can not move training archive to inbox"

Tried to free some space on the phone (android), but it doesn't seem to make difference. What can this error mean?
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