GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsHTC Touch 3G
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SteffenK 19.11.2010 15:57:06 UTC

works half the time

I am using a HTC 3G as well with the version 2.3.7b of Run.GPS for recording running and biking training. Sometimes im just excited about the tracking, but next day the Gps signal just drops instantly during training. An example can bee seen in the given report:
at the time of the GPS drop nothing obviously changed concerning outer conditions, direct sky view etc is given. Unfortunately this happens very often, especially while cycling.
g1deonian 24.03.2010 11:36:28 UTC


I use run.GPS on an HTC Touch 3G also.. or rather I have just started to use it and at first glance it appears to be working okay. Okay apart from showing some weird tracks when I look at the route online later. I tried it out yesterday and it reckoned that I ran straight through several houses. Overall I can't complain. It works out much cheaper than buying a GPS specifically for running.
gmngueko 22.05.2009 20:15:48 UTC


I was using previously a HTC TytnII and switch to the touch 3G because I wanted a small phone, and I had actually no usage of the sliding keyboard.
I use the internal GPS but sometimes use an external GPS (globalsat BT-338) when I feel that the condition are not clear sky. the warmup time of the external GPS is also , in average , shorter (I don't have to wait forever to get a GPS fix).
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