GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsHTC P3300
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DJJannick 14.05.2009 15:11:40 UTC geändert am 16.07.2009 11:20:41 UTC

I agree.
Got the P3300 and it just works perfect.
No problems with connecting to the internal gps.
I tryed it with the FRWD aswell - works well but I have to setup the bluetooth every time I start the program.
I prefere to use it with the FRWD anyway.
That way I will get baro, temp and heartbeat aswell, and the batterytime is much longer that way.

My wife would like this software to her Nokia.

I recently updated my ROM in my P3300 and at the same time updated the RUN-GPS-software.
Now when I try to connect to the internal GPS it can't find any satelites.
There is no error message or anything. I just don't get any signal.
I have no problems using the internal GPS with Tomtom og Google-maps and Run-GPS still works with the external GPS.

Tried using the "Detect COM-port" and it detected the internal on COM 4 2400 baud - so now everything works perfect.
nitte 19.04.2009 20:28:01 UTC

P3300 works perfect!

Works like a charm on p3300 - both my girlfriend and I are using this model and its flawless!
rasenderroland2 25.11.2008 13:20:35 UTC geändert am 26.11.2008 19:40:12 UTC

läuft prima mit folgenden GPS Einstellungen:

unter GPS Einstellungen KEIN Häkchen bei "windows verwaltet" und ".NET COM-Port verwenden" . COM-Port 4 auswählen. Den Rest habe ich so gelassen, wie er nach der Programminstallation war.
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