GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS GeneralAdding map layers
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podvig2 05.01.2017 00:37:32 UTC geändert am 05.01.2017 01:51:10 UTC

Good times! Please tell me

What code to add to maps.xml this card: (full Hybride earth map from Russian search system)

P.S. I have only this info of about it...

name_ru=Yandex (Yandex.Maps)
name=Satellite (Yandex.Maps)
name_uk=Yandex (Yandex.Maps)


function MakeTileURL (_x, _y, _level, _version) {
//return "http://sat0" + (2*(_x & 1) + (_y & 1) + 1) + "" + _version + "&x=" + _x + "&y=" + _y + "&z=" + _level + "&lang=ru-RU";
return "" + _x + "&y=" + _y + "&z=" + _level + "&lang=ru-RU";}
Mike00 21.10.2015 00:47:09 UTC geändert am 21.10.2015 00:48:18 UTC

I put the code in the following link:

This is the new location where maps.xml can be found on my phone:

Backup original maps.xml and replace its code with the code from pastebin.

I removed services I dont use and I added Google Hybrid, Google Maps, IGN Sat and IGN Vector. National Geographic Institute of Spain -IGN- is really, really great to spanish users but it hasn't got maps outside of that country.
emilaaa 19.09.2014 16:41:46 UTC


Mike00, I tried but it's not working for me. I'm on android 4.4.2, RunGps 2.8.4b

Mike00 12.04.2014 23:36:32 UTC

I got Google Maps working, yupiee!! It would be nice if they were added by default so all users could enjoy them.

Paste the following code in a file called maps.xml (backup the original first) and upload it to Run.GPS root folder inside your mobile (example: "/storage/sdcard0/Run.GPS")

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<name>Google Hybrid</name>
<copyright>Google Maps</copyright>
<name>Google Satellite</name>
<copyright>Google Maps</copyright>
<name>Google Street</name>
<copyright>Google Maps</copyright>
<name>Google Terrain</name>
<copyright>Google Maps</copyright>
<copyright>Google Maps</copyright>
bikeman2009 04.10.2013 21:56:57 UTC

Google street map

Kann mir jemand den urlPattern für google street maps nennen?
Würde gerne die Karten von Google nutzen - danke.
bartender 01.08.2013 09:28:43 UTC

It would be Android 4.1. I also use WM v6.5 but is is rather an old system.
admin786557 01.08.2013 08:59:51 UTC

Yes I will. What phone operating system are you using? We'll implement it in parallel for Blackberry, Android, iOS and Windows Phone :-)

bartender 31.07.2013 10:56:22 UTC

That would be nice! Please let me know if You will need me for tests/evaluation
admin786557 31.07.2013 10:27:03 UTC

@bartender: Very good question! We'll soon provide support for that.

bartender 31.07.2013 10:05:27 UTC

Layered Maps

Guys, how do You add maps, which have more than one layer? I mean OpenSeaMap or HikeBike
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