GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport Wishlist / IdeasDetailed training analysis
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juergenial 24.07.2014 16:17:34 UTC

wohin soll ich ein Beispiel HRM File schicken?
admin 24.07.2014 08:39:13 UTC

OK, verstehe. Was sollte in den HRM-Files dann drin sein? Nur die reinen Herzfrequenzdaten oder auch Rundenzeiten etc.?
Die Herzfrequenzdaten als HRM zu exportieren wäre an sich kein Problem, sofern die Zeitstempel der einzelnen Herzschläge vorliegen (das ist derzeit bei den Bluetooth 2.0 Pulsmessern der Fall, aber nicht bei den Bluetooth 4.0 Pulsmessern).

juergenial 23.07.2014 14:53:55 UTC

Ich möchte in einer Liste die Trainings, die ich exportieren will, mit Checkbox markieren und dann für jedes Training ein HRM File bekommen.
admin 23.07.2014 10:49:20 UTC

If you give me a detailed description what you'd need we'll see what we can do. Do you need several trainings in one file? Or a complete history?

juergenial 23.07.2014 07:52:42 UTC

I would also like to export my results in HRM to analyze with Polar Pro Trainer.

The web interface gives close to zero information about heart rate and any analysis over longer time is not really possible.
Unless there is some software available to be used on a PC.
Slogfester 19.02.2014 12:43:45 UTC

Please could you recommend some programs.
admin786557 18.02.2014 11:19:47 UTC

You can export heart rate data in these formats:
- GPX with embedded heart rate

<trkpt lon="11.45901628"







- R-R file

2855624 367
2856018 394
2856383 365
2856651 268
2857092 441
2857538 446
2857901 363
2858291 390
2858780 489
2859064 284
2859423 359
2859728 305
2860168 440
2860560 392
2860930 370
2861473 543
2861909 436
2862242 333
2862549 307
2862849 300
2863213 364
2863594 381
2863967 373
2864358 391

- SDF file

STARTTIME=17.02.2014 19:54.00

These 3 files can be downloaded from a training detail page and should be usable in a variety of programs.

Slogfester 17.02.2014 14:05:42 UTC

Gosh, 6 years a go and no progress?!....

How do I import the heart rate data embedded in the csv file that run.gps/gps-sport produces in to Polar's ProTrainer or Training Peaks?
Or, in the continued absence of any detailed analytic capability of gps-sport, ANY software/website that will do the job?
Slogfester 08.05.2008 11:09:39 UTC

I would like to see a more detailed training analysis tool, either online via gps-sport and/or (but preferably) stand alone program on PC. Something like a file analysis editor tool such as Polar's ProTrainer/PPSW (I'm sure Garmin have equivalent but I am not familiar with them) which enables you to analyse various parts of your training, e.g. how fast was I between point A and B etc. My understanding was that -once upon a time- run.gps files were editable, but now are not?
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