GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS Softwarecadence and temperature in tcx file
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admin 12.08.2016 09:30:05 UTC

This might be a hint:

Obviously Strava only imports RunCadence, not Cadence. Since you're probably importing bike tours, RunCadence will not be present.

Support for importing cadence should be added in Strava.
pdo65 10.08.2016 16:01:53 UTC geändert am 10.08.2016 16:09:32 UTC

But how is it possible that the cadence will not be given into my strava when I import an tcx file from Run.GPS?

How it can be solved?

And what is the reason that there is an difference between calories on GPS Sport and Strava activities
Tom 10.08.2016 15:43:46 UTC geändert am 10.08.2016 15:44:36 UTC

It should actually not play a role if the average values are given - the program should calculate averages by itself when they're not given.

You can however add an average temperature value yourself to give it a try (using a text editor).

Do you have a sample TCX file with average temperature? It is not included in the standard TCX file format ( If you have samples with correct temperature, please send them to
pdo65 10.08.2016 13:55:48 UTC geändert am 10.08.2016 14:04:05 UTC


I use Android with newest version of Run.GPS software

I think that the values cadence and calories are not compatible with TrainingCenter XML (TCX schema) format because when I open the TCX file with wordpad:

I see no average and max. cadence value
And the value of calories is 0

When I import this file in Strava there are no average and max. value of cadence
And the calories value is not the same as the calories that I see in my Run.GPS trainingdetail

Can you give it an try to add the average temperature value?


Slogfester 31.07.2016 10:55:19 UTC

I have just created a new topic similar to this here:

My understanding is Strava should import and analyse cadence data from a tcx file
admin 24.07.2016 16:53:52 UTC

I don't know. I've checked both the community and the Android app and in both cadence is preent in TCX exports. Or are you using a different client operating system?

Perhaps the Strava import does not support importing cadence?

Regarding temperature:
This source says there's no official way for temperature so it will probably not be read if we add it:

pdo65 22.07.2016 23:56:38 UTC geändert am 23.07.2016 23:39:32 UTC

How is it then possible that I can not see the cadence values (average/max.) Into my Strava training from the exported tcx file?

I Will export my tcx files from the Run.GPS software not from the community website!

Or is exporting to an gpx file better?

Please can you add the temperature (average) value in the tcx file!

admin 22.07.2016 08:27:40 UTC

Yes, cadence is included. Temperature is not.

Sample trackpoint in TXC format showing included data:

pdo65 21.07.2016 23:53:33 UTC geändert am 22.07.2016 00:14:37 UTC

When I export my training as tcx file and I import that file into my Strava account then I don't see the cadence and temperature values!

Are this values supported in the tcx file?

for cadence the average and max. values
and for temperature i think only the average value

Can you add this cadence and temperature values to the tcx file?
So that it is available when you the training export to tcx!

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