GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsHTC Touch Cruise (P3650, Polaris)
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Busli 16.06.2010 14:47:49 UTC geändert am 16.06.2010 14:50:15 UTC

HTC Find

I think HTC Find is almost the same than Cruise. It works really well and gives altitude too.
I'm waiting for the Zephyr™ HxM heart rate monitor and connect it by Bluetooth to my HTC Find.
user_175058162 05.05.2008 17:46:21 UTC

It was the same when I was with WM5 on my Trinity but on WM6 and now WM6.1 no more problem, cause of the GPS Setting witch create fake port to use GPS with softwares at the same time.
I tried WMP last running and was suprise of the memory using to listen music, near 15mb......on 50 it's too much...but Run.GPS worked fine and there was 8mb free...
Slogfester 07.03.2008 14:07:07 UTC

I have sucessfully run TomTom and run.GPS simultaneously on my new HTC Touch Cruise, something I was never able to do on my HTC Trinity (P3600). I also run WMP while I am at it. So, music, navigation and tracking :)
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