GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareAnt+ issue in latest release
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Matel71 04.08.2015 19:36:01 UTC

Funktioniert wieder, vielen Dank.
Matel71 04.08.2015 19:31:45 UTC

Ich habe das selbe Problem seit dem update. Es kann keine Ant+ Verbindung mit meinem Wahoo tickr erstellt werden. Bitte schnellstmöglich beheben.
admin 04.08.2015 17:23:47 UTC

Run.GPS 3.1.0 build 4122 for Android

A new release that addresses the issue has now been published on Google Play and >> Downloads. It should be available for download in about 1 hour from now.

Thestrup 04.08.2015 08:23:11 UTC

Me too

I've also encountered the connection problem.
I'm using a Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and a Garmin Forerunner 305 HRM monitor
admin 04.08.2015 07:36:51 UTC

We checked it yesterday with some combinations of sensors / phones and it did work for us. This means that not all ANT+ sensors are affected by the problems caused through the update.

We'll keep on testing today until we find a combination that does not work so we can reproduce the error and fix it asap.
Dolmans 03.08.2015 21:17:39 UTC

Same problem with my Galaxy S5 and a Garmin HRM. Before the update everything was fine. With other apps the HRM works perfect.
admin 03.08.2015 15:41:16 UTC

We'll check this issue and test the ANT+ connections. We'll come back with an answer here when that is done.

Salthar 03.08.2015 13:20:47 UTC

ANT+ problem

habe seit heute auch Probleme meinen o-synce Herzfrequenzgurt mit rungps zu verbinden.
Bis Freitag gings noch, habe am Wochenende das Programm aktualisiert und seit heute morgen keine Verbindung.
Der Trittfrequenzsensor auch von o_synce verbindet sich sporadisch mit komischen werten.
Mit der ANT+ Demo habe ich Verbindung zum Herzfrequenzgurt.
Poseidone 03.08.2015 08:41:15 UTC

I tried latest version on Android I9505 but the ANT+ HRM don't work.
I tried, then, to install "ANT+ Demo" for verify if problem it's on my device, but with this i can connect the HRM
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