GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareDropbox on Android version 3.1.0
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admin 03.08.2015 15:39:56 UTC

You could try deleting the app settings for Run.GPS (Android settings >> Apps >> Delete data).

Also try rebooting your phone.

If that does not help, it could be accomplished by uninstalling Run.GPS and then installing it again.

But whatever you do, you need to make a full backup of your Run.GPS data folder first (see to find out where it is). Copy the entire Run.GPS folder onto your PC to make a backup.

wodge80 02.08.2015 08:43:18 UTC

Reconnect with dropbox credentials

I set up dropbox link on the new Run.GPS 3.1.0 for Android.
I needed to disconnect the link in my settings due to an error and want to reconnect the dropbox credentials between Run.GPS app and the dropbox. How can I reset the login from Run.GPS and login again?
It does not seem to let me do it again!

The link was disconnected in the webpage under Account>>Settings>>Security.
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