GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareScosche Rythm+ unavailable in RunGPS
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admin 23.07.2015 07:57:09 UTC

The reason for this is that we need Windows Phone 8.1 to support Bluetooth 4.0 (Scosche RHYTHM+), but we cannot use native Windows Phone 8.1, because *it does not allow background location tracking* :-(

For more on this, see

We hope that this will be possible with Windows 10 for Phones.
gamsbok 23.07.2015 07:40:42 UTC geändert am 23.07.2015 07:57:02 UTC

vinch 22.07.2015 10:56:28 UTC

Rhythm+ is not available as heartmonitor in rungps application. Is this normal? I use the application in Windows Phone.

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