GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareBlackberry 10 with Heart Rate Sensor - Ssoches Rythm+
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admin 20.07.2015 10:11:22 UTC

This should actually work with the latest version of the Run.GPS app in the Blackberry Store. You perhaps need to change the heart rate monitor type to "Bluetooth Low Energy".

cb2bec7 20.07.2015 10:07:21 UTC

Blackberry 10 with Heart Rate Sensor

Hi, I just got the Socsche Rythm+ which is connecting via Bluetooth to my Blackberry Q10.
Sorrily Run.GPS tells me that I need to have Android software to connect via Bluetooth.

Is there any chance to connect the Socsche Rythm+ or any other heart rate sensor to the Blackberry version of Run.GPGS?

Thanks for your support!

Answers in Enlish or German are fine!

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