GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareRecommended BLE speed/cadence sensor
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admin 16.06.2015 07:59:45 UTC

You can use the function "Search for devices" and then select "None" to delete sensors from the configuration.
Slogfester 11.06.2015 09:24:41 UTC

How do I forget/delete existing sensors? (Maybe there are legacy problems with old configuration files?)
Slogfester 10.06.2015 13:00:10 UTC

OK thanks.
I updated to 3.04 (but so far I stayed on android 4.3) and unfortunately still have the same problems with the Polar H7, i.e. no auto-connect, no connect. Have to run through the complete manual search for devices and then connect.
What happened? I remember when BLE support was first introduced to run.gps this did auto-connect. As I said, Strava auto-connects each and every time. Except, interestingly, when run.gps has 'grabbed' the H7 for itself. I have been able to share the H7 between Strava and other apps. So why is run.gps not able to share and not able to auto-connect/connect?
admin 10.06.2015 09:55:45 UTC geändert am 10.06.2015 09:56:12 UTC

Sorry, we cannot give a good recommendation here. There are so many sensors available now and I must admit we've lost track a bit.

Perhaps somebody else with a good recommendation?

Slogfester 10.06.2015 02:17:08 UTC

Hi there... been offline for a while

I need to get a new speed BLE speed/cadence sensor. (I still have the Polar H7 HRM).

What is the (currently) recommended BLE speed/cadence sensor? I did like the aesthetics of my old Panobike speed/cadence sensor, but like many others, ran in to connectivity problems. Perhaps with new versions of Android (I am updating my S3 to 4.4.4 as I type.... praying ;)) and Run.gps (I will update to 3.04, as I am still on 2.8.4!) I hope it is better?


(n.b. Strava Android app auto-connects first time, every time with Polar H7)

I'm still using Samsung S3 Android 4.3
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