GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwarePolar BLE sensors
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pdo65 11.05.2015 10:56:20 UTC


I see it in next release!
admin 11.05.2015 10:27:17 UTC

The chances are good :-) It's on our schedule for the next release. It will only be dropped if we encounter unforeseen difficulties.
pdo65 11.05.2015 08:56:27 UTC

What is the chance that this feature will be added?


admin 22.04.2015 09:25:05 UTC

Yes I think so. We have to think about it.

@all: Anybody else who uses a separate speed sensor and cadence sensor?
pdo65 20.04.2015 09:52:08 UTC

I wish an update for this functionality, so I can use my separate speed and cadence sensors

Is this possible?
admin 20.04.2015 09:35:00 UTC

For now, this is not supported. You can only connect 1 heart rate sensor and 1 speed&cadence sensor (and optionally also 1 oximeter sensor).

Anybody else who uses a separate speed sensor and cadence sensor? Maybe we could provide this functionality through an update.

pdo65 19.04.2015 19:51:10 UTC geändert am 19.04.2015 20:06:02 UTC

Is it possible to connect 3 Polar BLE sensors displaying at the same time?
Now I have only 2 BLE sensors displayed at the same time!

I have a Polar H7 an Polar cadence and an Polar speed sensors, they all are Bluetooth smart BLE

When I connect Polar H7 and Polar cadence then only I see in display my HR and cadence (no speed)
and when I connect then Polar speed, than i have no cadence on display!

Is it in Run.GPS then H7 and cadence or H7 and speed?

I like to see all 3 sensors Polar H7 and cadence and speed! I this possible? And how I do this!

My Hardware and config are:

- Samsung S3 with android 4.3 and bluetooth 4.0
- Polar H7 BLE
- Polar cadence BLE
- Polar speed BLE
- Run.GPS v2.8.4b

regards Peter
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