GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareRun.GPS 3.0.0 for Android published!
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putsche 09.02.2015 19:18:16 UTC

Run.GPS 3.0.0 and MortPlayer integration

First of all thanks a lot for implementing the MortPlayer button in new Android version. A really great additional feature ...
But how does it work ? I´m currently using 2 versions of the Mort Player: music and Audio Books. I could manage to see current title of the Music version on the button (Mort Player started before) but could not use the control buttons pause, Play, etc.

Thanks !!
pdrunning 09.02.2015 19:02:55 UTC

minor issue: countdown messed up a bit

I mean in 'one voice output' the language of the number is English (e.g. five) and the language of the unit is Dutch ('seconden'). This is a bit strange.
boedecker 09.02.2015 12:03:57 UTC

Please do not switch to native Android wear only. Cause the actual situation makes RUN.GPS more or less work together with Sony Smartwatch SW2.
admin 09.02.2015 10:16:09 UTC

@alf: Thanks for reporting. Will be fixed soon.

Regarding delayed training start: okay we'll see if we find a solution.

Regarding voice output / TTS:
- Wrong order: will check this, could not reproduce yet on our devices yet
- The language of the voice output is automatically detected (depending on the TTS)

pdrunning 07.02.2015 10:50:19 UTC

new GUI nice Aesthetics !

thanks for the beautiful GUI !
pdrunning 07.02.2015 10:48:48 UTC

minor issue: countdown messed up a bit

Countdown is messed up a bit:
voice output countdown: 2314 or 3421
interface language NL
voice language English
Also voice output mixed Dutch and English ´seconden´ in stead of ´seconds´. Numbers are English.
pdrunning 07.02.2015 10:27:12 UTC

after delayed start go to main screen to lock

As ´2ers-2xyg-wz8f´ said! Same for me!
After delayed start go to main screen to lock
2ers-2xyg-wz8f 07.02.2015 09:47:24 UTC geändert am 13.02.2015 12:09:49 UTC

verzögertes Starten

Hallo Das verzögerte Starten ist ja schön aber ich würde während der Wartezeit wieder zurück auf den Hauptbildschirm gehen können und den Bildschirm sperren können damit es in die wasserdichte Tasche gepackt werden kann. Ein zusätzlicher Button wäre nicht schlecht. Jetzt gibt es nur "sofort starten" oder "abbrechen"

Status am 13.02.15 Der "Fehler" ist behoben. Das Programm läuft ohne Probleme. Danke
alf261173 06.02.2015 23:45:21 UTC

Die Pausenerkennung wird bei jedem Neustart auf 5sec zurückgesetzt...
pdrunning 06.02.2015 10:46:19 UTC

ok, thanks for the answer and the sneak preview in the apps roadmap
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