GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS Hardwareproblem with rungps and galaxy S4
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pdo65 27.01.2015 10:52:37 UTC

I use Google TTS it works very good with Run.GPS and its a fine and clearly voice.

Its free to use from google play!!

I use it on my Galaxy S3 with android 4.3

koszu 27.01.2015 08:59:23 UTC

I have used svox when had note 2, but after migration SVOX crashes my S4 as well. What is your android version?
admin 27.01.2015 08:54:13 UTC

I'm also using a S4 but do not have this problem. As TTS, I can recommend "SVOX", but it costs a few bucks.

Regarding crashes, - could you upload the crash reports to Google Play so we can check this? If you have your device in debugging mode, you could also capture the logs with "adb logcat" or "adb logcat >log.txt".

koszu 27.01.2015 08:33:37 UTC

I have migrated from galaxy note 2 to galaxy s4. Now I face problem with rungps. TTS crashes my phone (IVONA), samsung tts is not working or working sometimes.

Another strange crash I face when I want turn on screen again - sometimes it crashes run gps. When I turn on my phone again all text is invisible - check link provided. I have android 4.3.2 and load own map tiles. Is it memory problem?
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