GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwarePolar M400
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Tom 21.01.2015 17:08:33 UTC

In Run.GPS, go to Configuration >> Sensors and set the type to "Bluetooth Low Energy". Then search for a heart rate monitor device (which must be worn at this time to be switched on). You should be able to detect and connect the device now.
pdo65 21.01.2015 17:02:55 UTC

I have an Samsung SIII GT-I9305 with Android version 4.3

How can I connect this polsunit?

And how can I use this polsunit with Run.GPS?
admin 21.01.2015 16:56:15 UTC

Well the Polar M400 uses a standard Bluetooth Smart (4.0) heart rate monitor strap, so it should be compatible with Run.GPS (Android, Blackberry and iOS, but not Windows Phone). But we did not test it yet ...
pdo65 21.01.2015 16:26:20 UTC geändert am 21.01.2015 16:38:00 UTC

Polar M400


Is the bluetooth smart polsunit Polar M400 compatible with Run.Gps?

Or can you add the compatibility for this polsunit to Run.GPS?

with regards
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