GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareMio Global Alpha & Windows 8.1 Phone
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admin 14.04.2015 11:34:16 UTC

That's great news! Hopefully Windows 10 for phones will appear soon and this will work out. We'll start porting Run.GPS for Windows 10 when a final release for phones gets in sight.
herchen 13.04.2015 16:05:02 UTC

There ist hope for windows 10 mobile. Just found this article
Crinno 31.12.2014 02:54:32 UTC

Thanks for the quick reply.
This looks like a particularly bad decision from Microsoft, sports tracking applications are essential to a lot of smart phone users.
I realise this is well and truly out of your hands, hopefully Microsoft will see sense on this one.
admin 29.12.2014 14:27:22 UTC

Yes we already have a release that perfectly supports the device (using Bluetooth 4.0), but Microsoft does not allow Windows Phone 8.1 apps with background tracking services (and Bluetooth 4.0) §$/$§/$!!!!!
Crinno 27.12.2014 02:26:17 UTC

I have a Mio Global Alpha strapless HR monitor. I am very happy with the ease of use and accuracy of this and it would be great to use it with Run.gps.

It connects to my Windows phone via Bluetooth and I can use it with a couple of other sports tracking applications.
It is listed as MIO GLOBAL in the Bluetooth settings.

The only options for HR monitors in the Run.GPS settings are:
Zephyr HxM/HRM
Polar Bluetooth Wearlink

I believe the ease of use, accuracy and the convenience of these wrist devices will make them fairly popular.
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