GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS Wishlist / IdeasHeart rate sensor
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lahire_91 14.11.2014 10:31:51 UTC

I think the best way to become accurate for treadmill is by using of footpod. With my RS800, I used my S3 from Polar and it worked fine on a treadmill. It would be a great improvement if Run.GPS could "communicate" with any footpod (ANT+ or BLE).
emilaaa 13.11.2014 00:59:46 UTC

Heart rate sensor improvment

I use Zephyr's HxM/HRM and I have two suggestions that would be really useful!

I run a mix of outdoor and indoor(treadmill) and fund that the calculated distance using the sensors in the heart rate monitor isn't accurate at all. A great feature would be a way to at least by % or what ever method scale up or down the distance when heart rate monitor is used to be more accurate. I understand this can not be perfect but it seems some what linear for me. See following examples, with sensor 6.86 km with sensor and 4.91 with GPS

Another issue is that if I forget to change the settings after I have used RunGPS indoor "use the sensor value for distance instead of GPS" setting my distance is way off again and can not be corrected after thew fact. A great option would be to have a check box that says "use sensor value instead of GPS if GPS IS NOT AVALIBLE". This way if Im indoor and don't have the GPS on or no signal, it uses the sensor.

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