GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS Wishlist / Ideasroadmap for RunGPS available?
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mrmuppet 25.09.2014 22:08:33 UTC

Will Release 3.0 contain support for Smartwatch Pebble? Or for Android App Tasker? That would be really great.. everybody could do tons of improvements with tasker: am special music when you reach destination, automatic send email when new record is taken and so on... Tasker would be heaven ... and really a unique selling proposition for this gps-tracking-app!
Slogfester 19.09.2014 09:12:48 UTC

Well, I think we discussed this before, but I can't find the thread!
Search by author, date, subject line or within message text, by sub-forum etc etc. Order the results by relevance, date etc. Can you port to, and use any of the off-the-shelf forum platforms available?
I can not be sure, but often I think it does not find everything in its current form.
admin 19.09.2014 08:54:49 UTC

How would you like to modify / improve the search function? If you enter a term like "Bluetooth Low Energy" or similar, you do get relevant results.
Slogfester 18.09.2014 11:47:38 UTC

Exciting :)
Over the years there has been a huge amount of feedback/suggestions. I presume the developers keep track of this for their own purposes. In the meantime...
Can you please please fix/improve the search forums on gps-sport. It is useless and makes it very difficult for users to track and not repeat feedback.
For your sake and ours :)
admin 17.09.2014 08:58:37 UTC

No, we don't have a page for this yet.
pdrunning 16.09.2014 17:18:10 UTC

Very nice!

Will there be a page on this site that contains the roadmap? Similar to the change log pages.
admin 16.09.2014 12:55:11 UTC

A new milestone release 3.0 is currently under development, including a new design, a skin concept (skins can be downloaded from the website, everyone can create new skins), rotating maps (map is rotated in the direction of movement) and much more.

This release will come out in about 1 month for Android (at least this is the plan). Next will follow the Blackberry OS release , then the iOS release and the Windows Phone 8 release.

pdrunning 16.09.2014 08:15:53 UTC geändert am 16.09.2014 08:16:37 UTC

Hi RunGPS team
I really like this product and use it quite a lot ! Is there (feature development) roadmap for RunGPS available? I see a lot of new requests but little planning is published. I think your users would really appreciate this!
What’s ahead of us?

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