GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareAnt+ SPD+CAD sensor
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carlos 05.09.2014 12:31:47 UTC

was good if the app was updated to work with ANT + plugins and add SPD + CAD sensor
admin 11.08.2014 08:11:09 UTC

Run.GPS is only certified for ANT+ CAD sensors, not for CAD+SPD sensors. There is currently no schedule for adding this.

It does support Bluetooth Low Energy SPD+CAD sensors, though.
wozphil 09.08.2014 10:20:39 UTC

SPD+CAD sensor not working

I own an ANT+ bike SPD+CAD sensor which works fine on other apps but with RunGPS, I can connect with the sensor but it shows no data.
I need it mainly for Cadence as speed is already given by GPS data.
Is it a problem with SPD+CAD profile being unsupported?
If so, is it planned to support it in a near future?
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