GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS Wishlist / IdeasImproving Web Site UI
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koszu 09.10.2014 07:56:55 UTC

I confirm that facebook Run GPS posts look horrible:
This is may profile:
And here is screen capture:
admin 24.07.2014 08:42:01 UTC

I see ... this is only a misunderstanding. The "3000" is just the scale of the map, not the distance.
Mantelis 23.07.2014 17:14:52 UTC geändert am 23.07.2014 17:16:04 UTC

Images: - WEB - Facebook

You can see 3000m instead of 12 0000m.
admin 23.07.2014 10:47:34 UTC

Thanks for your statements.

I think the little map is okay, it's only that if the track overlaps on this small map, it will hide the track below because it has some white "aura" around the actual track. If you look at the maps in "training report", they are correct.

So, the question is why only 3 km got into Facebook. Can you give me your Facebook name so I can send you a friendship request so I can see your Facebook wall?

Mantelis 23.07.2014 06:57:12 UTC geändert am 23.07.2014 06:59:57 UTC

Pleased to see that you willing to improve! :)

Structure / Functions: First time was a bit complicated as I couldn't find my sport home page, but when I did I just got used to it and now it seems to be fine.

Design part, however, it's really old, out dated and not attractive anymore. It's not just colors, I would say you should try to overlook layout too. I'm trying to talk people into moving to Run.GPS, but they always fade away because of the design.

Functionality: Weather information would be really cool! I think it's not too hard to get weather info from some other pages by City location of Runner. It would be really nicel to see not only temp, but other factors too: Humidity, Precipitation, Wind and etc.

IF you would check my profile and last run you would see that I did 12KM, but logo (small map near title) shows 3km. Same with FB share.
admin 22.07.2014 08:40:08 UTC

Thanks for your suggestions - what you write makes sense. The temperature is the temperature recorded on the device, but this is only available for FRWD B600 users right now.

Could you make a statement what bothers you most about the design / structure of the web site. Is it too difficult to find functions? Or do you think it's just ugly? We're trying to improve things ...
Mantelis 21.07.2014 21:13:58 UTC


I really enjoy using GPS-Sport because it provides a lot of useful info and different ways of viewing it. It's really amazing to have that many options, as other competitors don't have that.

However, I'm missing a few things:

** Your web page design is really old-style, uncomely look and to be fair - ugly. It definitely needs improvement. All my friends use Endomondo or Runtastic because they can't handle this design, so on top of that you also loose people.

* Weather integrity within a web page (Temperature isn't working, I get always 0C)

* Your best 1KM, 2KM, 3KM and so on.

* Integrity with FaceBook. Run GPS does have it, but that share logo and the way you post info on FaceBook is really horrible. Especially because I did 12KM run, but I got logo with 3Km written on. Fuck!

I enjoy using your WP8 app. It could have prettier design, but for now it looks fine as Web Page needs improvement first.

This is my 5 cents, sorry if it was a bit to harsh in some places.

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