GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS GeneralRemove old tracks from live tracking map
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admin 23.01.2015 10:04:34 UTC

No, you can only turn it on/off.
jffroment 22.01.2015 18:30:00 UTC

Conversely, is there a way to add more than 8/10 tracks ?
npaixao 12.12.2014 13:55:58 UTC

admin 12.12.2014 13:39:46 UTC

Well thing is that the live-tracking track is not stored on the server. It is only stored in the web browser using JavaScript. Therefore, we do not have any "track history". The database only stores the current position of the user and sends it over to any attached web browsers, which in turn keep a history of positions and draw the track on the screen.

npaixao 12.12.2014 13:36:16 UTC geändert am 12.12.2014 13:37:33 UTC


By the way, and not wishing to be very annoying, I have another question.

Is there any way to show in the browser the track already covered, since the beginning of the active training?
When someone follows us in the browser, only get to see the track trace from the moment they open the browser.
The values on the right says the total distance, time, etc.., but they can not see the route already made in the active trainning.
I don´t know if I made myself clear ... I attached a image.
npaixao 11.12.2014 17:25:24 UTC

That solved my question.

Best regards!
admin 03.12.2014 11:08:14 UTC

Yes there is a way. If you open the live tracking view with this url:

(just replace your user name as needed)

>> The live tracking map will open without the historic tracks.

npaixao 02.12.2014 11:17:42 UTC

Is there a way to turn on/off those old (8/19) tracks?

admin786557 13.05.2014 08:40:04 UTC

Only the last 8 or 10 tracks are displayed :-)
MarMoer 12.05.2014 11:49:03 UTC

Otherwise all your old tracks will be visible amongst the live track. I now have 4 tracks, but the more you run, the more tracks will be on the map, eventually covering a lot of the map with coloured tracks, making it difficult to distinguish.
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