GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareAnt+
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axter 13.05.2014 09:01:48 UTC

Thank you !
admin786557 12.05.2014 09:15:37 UTC

ANT+ heart rate monitors are compatible if your phone is compatible. That is true for most Sony Xperia models and most current Samsung models. You need to install the "ANT+ radio service" from Google Play (if not installed yet).

I recommend using Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy heart rate monitors though, since support for those devices is better and you can also connect Speed&Cadence sensors.

axter 09.05.2014 17:30:37 UTC

Suunto Ant+ hr

is the Suunto ANT+ Heart rate monitor compatible with Run GPS ?
carlos 12.04.2014 23:58:58 UTC

Ant+ speed&cadence, temperature

Is it possible to add Ant+ speed&cadence sensor and a temperature sensor like Garmin tempe?
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