GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport Generalheart rate zones
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Slogfester 07.04.2014 11:24:22 UTC

Yes, latest training was mirrored correctly by gps-sport, but when loaded from run.gps hr zones are completely incorrect

looking forward to 2.8.3
admin786557 07.04.2014 11:16:08 UTC

Did you notice that there is an additional zone "resting" on that is not displayed in Run.GPS?

We'll soon (this week) provide release 2.8.3 which will fix a bug resulting in heart rate zones not being loaded correctly when you load a training from "Training Log". This may also result in heart rate zones not correctly displayed in and we'll check this.

Slogfester 05.04.2014 15:30:39 UTC

These look like they are recorded correctly in run.gps during a ride (30 % in fat burn, 40% aerobic etc), but when activity is uploaded to gps-sport the classification is incorrectly changed
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