GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport GeneralGPX speed units?
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admin786557 18.03.2014 10:36:26 UTC

Right! Thanks for checking this.

The bug is corrected now on and the unit is correctly set to m/s.
eltsov.denis 18.03.2014 06:21:23 UTC

Now I am shore that if I download GPX file from for example
Actions -> Download GPX
<SPEED> units are km/h
And if I export GPX from Run.GPS application <SPEED> units are m/s
I make a test on a car.

This is part of file export from Run.GPS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><gpx version="1.1" creator="Run.GPS Trainer UV" xmlns:xsi="" schemaLocation="" xmlns=""><metadata><name>unnamed</name><desc/><link href=""><text>Run.GPS by eSymetric GmbH</text></link></metadata><trk><name>unnamed</name><trkseg><trkpt lon="30.427173400" lat="59.823627430"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:16.200Z</time><speed>0.000000000</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.428237570" lat="59.823878920"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:18.899Z</time><speed>0.000000000</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.428608690" lat="59.823964620"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:19.901Z</time><speed>0.000000000</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.429695450" lat="59.824216620"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:22.913Z</time><speed>0.000000000</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.431136930" lat="59.824544570"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:26.937Z</time><speed>0.000000000</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.432536010" lat="59.824907630"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:30.899Z</time><speed>22.291762701</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.433527930" lat="59.825216220"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:33.874Z</time><speed>22.235124652</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.434494780" lat="59.825559040"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:36.881Z</time><speed>22.203700642</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.435414490" lat="59.825933670"><ele>36.166666667</ele><time>2014-03-18T08:24:39.899Z</time><speed>22.170426294</speed></trkpt><trkpt lon="30.436271130"

And this is part of GPX downloaded from site

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<gpx version="1.1" creator="Run.GPS Community Server"
<link href="">
<text>Run.GPS by eSymetric GmbH</text>
<trkpt lon="30.4271734"
<trkpt lon="30.42823757"
<trkpt lon="30.42860869"
<trkpt lon="30.42969545"
<trkpt lon="30.43113693"
<trkpt lon="30.43253601"
<trkpt lon="30.43352793"
<trkpt lon="30.43449478"


Please correct it.
eltsov.denis 12.03.2014 09:52:14 UTC geändert am 12.03.2014 09:53:11 UTC

Thank you.
But it's a little bit strange for me because of my last activity.
If you can look at GPX file of my track 10.03.2014 12:05:00 PM, 5.56 km, you will see that for a long time I run faster then 10 meters per second
I am really proud of it, but can't believe such a good result :)
And all so when I try "training simulator" it show me speed in about 10km/h and it's seems to be ok, because it was orienteering.
admin786557 12.03.2014 09:35:17 UTC


Optional in: <wpt> <rtept> <trkpt>
Units: meters per second
Instantaneous speed at the point.

It is the same as the speed on the portal, which is computed using GPS data by Run.GPS (using a modified continuuos Douglas-Peucker algorithm).

eltsov.denis 11.03.2014 12:26:28 UTC geändert am 11.03.2014 13:03:28 UTC

Tell me please in what units I'v got speed when I download GPX file. Is it m/s or km/h?
And one more question how it calculated, direct from GPS or the same as speed on portal?

Best regards Denis
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