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admin786557 10.02.2014 11:20:38 UTC

Okay I see. We've fixed the bug. Ascent/descent will be set correctly for all newly created or updated routes.

Slogfester 07.02.2014 20:11:38 UTC

sorry, what i meant was that the ascent/descent figures do not show in the route information/overview, e.g.

this has just started to happen in the past few days. If you look at My Routes/Routes table you will see what I mean:

admin786557 07.02.2014 17:04:51 UTC

I checked it and for it does calculate ascent and descent, if I add some points by clicking the mouse or if I load a previously saved route.

Slogfester 07.02.2014 12:41:14 UTC

Route planner has stopped calculating ascent/descent?
admin786557 23.01.2014 12:29:22 UTC

Yes we removed the link because we had to update the upload page. Now it's there again.

We've also added a new menu entry My Run.GPS >> My Routes >> Import.
Slogfester 22.01.2014 11:38:09 UTC

The 'Import track/route' option on the right hand side of the same box has disappeared? Or are you trying to steer all these functions to WITHIN Route Planner (File/Upload)? (BTW, In English, I think File/Import is more the convention).
admin786557 22.01.2014 11:29:51 UTC

OK, found it and fixed it .... thanks.
Slogfester 20.01.2014 15:42:11 UTC

From my home page, lower left box 'Navigation Routes', 'Create New Route'
admin786557 17.01.2014 11:42:59 UTC

Can you please describe from where you get taken to Version 2.3. I could not find it. Is it from a training detail page when you create a new route from a training?

Slogfester 09.01.2014 11:16:35 UTC

If I CREATE a new route I am taken to Vers 2.3. If I EDIT an existing route I am taken to vers 3.1??
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