GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareSgs4 and barometer
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admin 07.10.2014 08:12:22 UTC

@Poseidone: there have been some posts in the forums ...

@pdo65: the Android version is finished about 75%, we expect it in about 2 months, but there are still some open questions (regarding Android Wear etc.)

Poseidone 06.10.2014 21:05:49 UTC


WOW. Where it's possible read about it?
pdo65 06.10.2014 19:49:42 UTC

When can we expect the release of Run.GPS 3.0?
admin 06.10.2014 11:18:32 UTC

This feature will come with Run.GPS 3.0.
Poseidone 03.10.2014 09:00:14 UTC

Hi pdo65.
I think that, unfortunately, is not yet implemented.

However, in my area the GPS is quite accurate with altitude. I only had to manually set the value (-45 m)
pdo65 03.10.2014 08:47:46 UTC

Can you tell me off the barometric altitude already is supported or when it will come?
admin786557 13.11.2013 17:31:55 UTC

Support for barometric altitude will be implemented in one of the coming releases.
Poseidone 02.11.2013 17:52:40 UTC

Hi. I have a Galaxy s4 with buil in barometer but i cannot use "barometric altitude", i read every time 0
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