GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport GeneralExport of all trainings from GPS-SPORT.NET
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admin 29.07.2014 09:54:41 UTC

We're currently discussing the possibilty of exporting to Polar HRM files in this thread:

SteffenK 28.07.2014 15:31:14 UTC

Backup or Export of Training history

I'm interested in the same function. Is there any planned develeopment?
User999 22.10.2013 10:51:41 UTC geändert am 22.10.2013 10:51:54 UTC

Export of all trainings from GPS-SPORT.NET


Is there any way how to export all my traings?
So I could move them to or any other site.

Frankly Run.GPS is falling behind in comparison with other applications.
But I would like to keep my 4years of traings.


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