GPS-Sport ForenGeneral TalkThanks and happy new year!
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LeMarquis 03.01.2012 18:34:43 UTC

You don't need to show me anything. And more important... I don't need to get on there. I'm already ranked 1st. Just in case you didn't notice. But actually it seems that my rankings are more important to you than they are to me.
axter 03.01.2012 17:10:46 UTC

I do not tell you anything

I just showed you where is not your place.
Forget about it , you'll never get on there , ever again :P
LeMarquis 03.01.2012 01:46:08 UTC geändert am 03.01.2012 01:46:19 UTC

Hi Erwin!

Thanks a lot! Best wishes to you too! I've mentioned you (and some others) in my post in the topic below this one so check it out. ;-)
Axter, we really don't need you to tell us who are real winners or not. It's obvious Erwin is a great sportsman. Please, also read my post below this one.

A great and healthy 2012 to everyone!

axter 02.01.2012 15:01:05 UTC

Hi Erwin ,

you are the real no 1 .
Will try to keep on 2nd , just to keep the real winners on their place
ekerstges 02.01.2012 14:12:27 UTC

Thanks and happy new year!

Hi all,

Last year has been a very good year for me, especially sports wise. Ended in top of activity level and Hall of Fame last month! I never thought I would be able to do that... Got some nice messages from fellow-sporters and I would like to thank you all for the congratulations. Especially the users (e.g. LeMarquis and axter) with a non-public userpage: I can't use the message system to return a message, so please consider this my "thank you"!

Let's all try to get along in this new olympic year, I wish you all a happy & healthy 2012 and may all your sports- and personal goals be achieved.



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Hallo zusammen,

Letztes Jahr ist ein sehr gutes Jahr für mich gewesen, vor allem Sport-weise. Oben in die Rangliste ge-endet für Aktivität und Hall of Fame in diesem Monat! Ich hätte nie gedacht, ich wäre in der Lage, das zu machen zu konnen... Ein paar nette Nachrichten von Sportfreunde und ich möchte Ihnen allen für die Glückwünsche bedanken. Vor allem die Nutzer (zB Lemarquis und Axter) mit einem nicht-öffentlichen Userpage: Ich kann nicht mit dem Nachrichtensysteem eine Nachricht zurückschicken, so beachten Sie diese forumbeitrage bitte als mein "Danke"!

Lassen wir versuchen miteinander auszukommen in dieser neuen olympischen Jahr, ich wünsche Ihnen allen ein glückliches und gesundes Jahr 2012 und möchte alle Ihre Sport-und persönliche Ziele erreicht werden.


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