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Wallydee 14.09.2011 11:24:12 UTC

Hallo Admin hast du was gegen mich?

oder warum werde ich nicht mehr in der Ruhmeshalle gelistet? Höhenmeter zBsp. seit Sonntag klappt es nicht!
Wieso wird mein Wert von 11,8 am Sonntagabend (+0,4) zurückgestuft trotz Trainingseinheit auf 11,7 (+0,2)
Ich bitte um eine Erklärung, danke im Voraus.
frk.bnd 31.08.2011 17:57:05 UTC

Thank you for your answer. I upgrade the software version (2.3.9j) and now the DOP is better. Then, I have apparently no problem...
henzel 30.08.2011 20:38:40 UTC

GPS Dilution

Hi, I am no admin, but the only reason I could find is the very high DOP values (GPS Dilusion). It means how acurate the GPS signal was during workout and values above 20 are (as far as I know) very unreliable. Since there are lots of minutes with a DOP around 30 in your workout, maybe that causes the system to say it is not plausible.
frk.bnd 30.08.2011 07:56:34 UTC

Training data not plausible ???

Hi admin,
Can you explain why the following data are not plausible :

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