GPS-Sport ForenGeneral TalkRunning Partners Wanted
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micha-mha 21.06.2011 21:50:34 UTC


I'm so bad and you are so good. I'm looking for a partner who trains with me, so I'm fit again. I'll make it, but with a partner, it is beautiful. tried. I'm from Germany and my name is michael. in the past I used to be fit, but I was lazy. To learn more, we should talk. My German is OK my English, we can talk, my French is very bad, but I want to learn it! many greetings micha
DeeJay 26.04.2011 13:58:58 UTC

2nd year runner

I'm currently preparing for the 10 mile Broad Street Run with a half marathon 20 days later. My plan is to finish a local full marathon in November. I'm not always as motivated as I'd like to be so I'm looking for a running partner to help push me. I'm located in the Philadelphia Pa area and currently running about 9:45 miles. I looking for someone running around the same pace as myself maybe even a minute faster but no more than 30 seconds slower. Serious inquiries only, thanks.
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