GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsRun.GPS on Samsung Galaxy Lite i5700 Spica
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cfarrell 25.04.2010 22:01:59 UTC

I tested Run.GPS version 2.3.6c build 1961 on my Samsung Spica (updated to Android 2.1 'Eclair'). In general, it works quite well. I had no problem with connecting the GPS. Sometimes it takes quite a while, despite there being 10 - 12 satellites. I would say that on average, it takes about 30 - 60 seconds to get a GPS fix on the phone.

One obvious negative point which has to be made is that the Zephyr HxM does not work with the phone. However, it seems as though this is a problem with all Android 2.1 phones and it also seems as though a fix is in the pipeline.

I've done about ten training sessions with the phone, and only once was there a crash. Thus, I would say that the Samsung Spica i5700 can be recommended for use with Run.GPS - with the warning that currently (i.e. 2.3.6c build 1961) the HxM heartrate monitor from Zephyr does not connect.
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