GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS SoftwareKeine Sprachausgabe auf HTC Desire
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bewi 16.05.2010 13:18:42 UTC

What's with the initial question asked by gpsrun-noob? No voice output on desire?! Same problem on my android!
spangelsaregreat 06.05.2010 22:57:58 UTC


Thanks for that, I just thought from your previous post that you had found some back door way to sort it.

Will wait for the soon (hopefully) release of an update.

AdaRma 05.05.2010 23:03:30 UTC geändert am 05.05.2010 23:04:17 UTC

Bluetooth HXM

This is a problem that has to be fixed by run.gps, and not something you can do yourself. I have sent them an email, and I believe they are working on a fix. They have to release a new version of their software for you to enjoy HXM on a Android 2.1 device.

If you still want to know where to obtain your MAC, you can simply connect the device to a computer. I.E a windows 7 based computer, and just right click on the connected device an chose properties to see the MAC. But there is really no need to know your MAC. When the new software update is released, the run.gps application will find your MAC without you even knowing it =)

spangelsaregreat 05.05.2010 22:54:36 UTC


Re the bluetooth HXM fix.

How do you get the MAC code for the HXM.

Where can you add the details to change the MAC code?

Or can you provide an idiots guide on how to do this?

Bosti 28.04.2010 13:17:33 UTC



I have successfully moved my topo maps from windows mobile to HTC Desire; I have just copied maps and XML; restarted program and works perfectly...

Does anybody knows good screen capture app - i could made demo movie..
AdaRma 24.04.2010 18:47:05 UTC geändert am 24.04.2010 19:03:03 UTC

A fix to the bluetooth connection problem


If this problem still is not resolved, the code below describes how to make the connection work with Android 2.1 (Tested on HTC Desire). Just replace "00:07:80:89:EE:EB" with the MAC of your HXM to make it connect. After the connection is successful, a regular method with input = socket.getInputStream() can be used.

BluetoothDevice hxm = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().getRemoteDevice("00:07:80:89:EE:EB");
Method m = hxm.getClass().getMethod("createRfcommSocket", new Class[]{int.class});
socket = (BluetoothSocket)m.invoke(hxm, Integer.valueOf(1));

Hope the fix will be out very soon =)

Best regards
Espen S. Nygaard
spangelsaregreat 22.04.2010 21:55:40 UTC

HXM does not work at the moment (for all Andriod 2.1) but they are working on a fix.

Bosti 22.04.2010 14:15:35 UTC geändert am 22.04.2010 14:16:57 UTC


Run.GPS was first app that i installed on Desire.. :-)

Yes, in third change portrait/landscape crashes; I could crash it in any other case.

First track:

I still did't figure out why such a difference in height between topo and GPS.

I didnt try to import jpeg images... I will in near future, because I have topo maps for whole Slovenia...

Regards, Bosti

ps. I also din not test yet HRM Zaphyr
Nikolas_M 22.04.2010 12:58:58 UTC

On Androids the Menu Button is replaced by the hardware "Menu" button which every Android device features. Does RunGPS run without crashes on your device. Even if you switch landscape/portrait mode several times? Did you manage to import jpeg maps (not OSM)?
Bosti 20.04.2010 15:05:46 UTC

For one with HTC Desire...

I bought HTC Desire, works great, GPS fix in seconds, recording okej, but I don't have "settings button - picture".. it is not on the screen - portrait or landscape..

Please can you help me wit an idea... whats wrong..
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