GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsOmnia i8000
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Roberto37 05.04.2010 18:56:34 UTC

Hi juergen,
thanks, I´ll try those settings tomorrow tuesday, but I have read that it´s better baud 4800.
Do you mind if you add me like friend in the community server??
juergen 01.04.2010 07:18:21 UTC


Hey Roberto, yesterday I tested by very bad weather your settings. The settings are ok The GPS-DOP is sometimes at limit, but it connected and the tour is
I have tested another configuration: you can configure directly in the RunGPS program the following:
GPS not managed by windows, manual configuration with com port 7 and baud 115000. You must start manually the GPS and the result by me is: you have more satellites, better and faster signal an lower out of DOP.
You can test it and please tell me your opinion.
I wish you a very nice EASTERN.
Roberto37 30.03.2010 23:08:28 UTC

program port GPS: COM 7
Hardware por: COM 9
Baudrate: 9600
Access: click administrate auto
juergen 30.03.2010 23:03:15 UTC


Hey Roberto, thank for the settings. I will test tomorrow evening when i'm biking.
Perhaps, can you tell me the GPS settings on the omnia, I think there are the most prpblems.?
my settings: program: port 4 (sometimes is better port 7)
hardware: port 9
baudrate: 4800 or 57600
Roberto37 30.03.2010 19:53:44 UTC

Hi Jüger, these are my setting on Omnia (GPS Configuration):
click-windows managed
click-autoconnect on startup
speed buffer: 35 s
altitude buffer: 60 s
Gps Dilution DOP max accepted: 15

Try these settings and tell me if it works.

You´re welcome
juergen 29.03.2010 10:48:37 UTC

Setting on Omnia i8000

Hey Roberto37, I have the Omnia " too. Can you tell me your settings on Omnia and in the RunGPS program. I have some problems with it. Sometimes I have connections, sometimes not. There is no speed when I'm biking, only GPS speed. I hope for your help. Thank. Best regards Jürgen
Roberto37 10.03.2010 13:30:23 UTC

I don´t have any problem while running, yesterday I was using the program during 4 hours and perfect
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