GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareGPS signal too weak (no fix)
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andrebo 05.10.2007 21:11:23 UTC

Removed com4 as general port and changed com0 to com4 for gps mouse

As mentioned in subject. Thanks Tom. Com4 is the right one (after I removed a general com4 port of the list of com ports). Com0 resulted in the errors as mentioned (and every time a diferent port). I think com 0 was the virtual one.

andrebo 04.10.2007 07:54:20 UTC

GPS is found, signal somtimes

Tom, thanks for your comments. In my version I can use the windows managed GPS option or the automatic detect com port option. Both almost always find the GPS. The problem is that the following situations occur:

1. GPS found, but no signal (while runningmate with same software has signal)
2. GPS found, signal found but program does registrate after twenty minutes of use (while running). At PDA of runningmate the program registrates normally.
3. Everyting works normal

And gues: I don't know what is the cause that one of the option above occur. In all situation, tomtom works fine. Still I am very enthousiastic about the software and the portal.

Tom 28.09.2007 13:03:37 UTC

@andre: You may try COM4 at 9600 baud or COM8 at 9600 baud but I'm not sure that's correct. If you used the virtual COM port (I think COM2 on a Treo 750) instead, you might get the result you described.

@baloo: Actually Run.GPS does not have any influence on the signal quaility - it just reads out the data coming from the GPS device. This is a different problem from the problem andre has (no signal at all). Are you sure your GPS device works correctly? Is it always like that or do you sometimes have good data? Your latest recording
shows the symptoms of a very bad GPS signal. Since some coordinates are totally wrong this does not seem to be a software issue. In addition nothing has been changed in the software that could produce such behaviour.
What do you think? Maybe you could check with another program to be sure.



baloo 28.09.2007 12:26:05 UTC

I'm also see this with my Holux GR-236 GPS and MDA Vario II. An older version of run.gps worked flawlessly but recent versions haven't. It loses the signal most of the time (see the latest run on my profile for an example) and when it does have a signal it seems to get it wrong. I did a 3 mile run recently and it only registered 1.5 miles.

I've bought the software but I'm beginning to regret that. I'm now running without my PDA which is a shame.
andrebo 21.09.2007 20:49:38 UTC

Palm Treo and external GPS works with Tomtom but not with run.gps

run.gps gives the message GPS signal too weak (no fix). The exterenal GPS works well with TomTom on the Palm Treo 750 while it cannot find a signal in run.gps. Tried to manage the connection by windows and by several com ports. Can anyone help me? I have a trial version and want to buy the software, but in that case, this has to work.


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