GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport Wishlist / IdeasRunning Features: Message at full kilometers + Auto Lapping per kilometer
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Tom 21.09.2007 14:46:53 UTC

Hi bortech,

with the current 2.0.2 version of Run.GPS Trainer UV it is possible to get a spoken message every 1, 2 or 5 kilometers. You can configure this in the voice output settings. However it is not possible to start a new lap at these milestones.

One other way might be to upload your training data to the portal which can be configured to display all 1 km milestones on the map.

That auto lapping feature may be coming in the future.

Best regards

bortech 20.09.2007 23:00:17 UTC

for runners: Message at full kilometers + Auto Lapping per kilometer


i am running a lot for about a year now, with completing my first marathon in April in Hamburg.
During Training the most important data for me was the minutes I needed for the various kilometer.
So what I would like to have would be a message after every kilometer, this would also enable me to record this lap data on my Polar Puls clock.
The current speed is indeed interesting but with a GPS most times not accurate enough as I heard from the Polar RS800 GPS and Garmin Forerunner 305.
But the time per kilometer gives an average speed that helps a lot.
I ran most times one big round 10 - 32km, so the current auto lap feature would not help me, therefore i would be very interested if an auto lapping would detect full kilometers and split there automatically.
You could also think of auto lapping and messages at selectable distances for example 200m, 400m, 1000m this would help when doing Interval and tempo training.

Until now I am in the trial time of RunGPS.
The above features would be a big argument for me to buy rungps.
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